
I’m a data analyst currently working at MassHealth, where I analyze healthcare data and build Tableau dashboards to monitor cost, utilization, and key performance indicators for the Office of Behavioral Health. Previously I worked at the Harvard Aging Brain Study on Alzheimer’s Disease research. While I was there, I did a lot of longitudinal modeling and statistical analysis of neuropsychological exams along with a bit of neuroimaging analysis of MRI scans of the brain. I love R and data visualization – I’m a huge fan of the R “tidyverse,” and this website was built with Quarto!

I currently live in Massachusetts, but I grew up in North Carolina and spent several years in California for graduate school. In my free time I love biking along the Minuteman Bikeway and reading science fiction & fantasy novels.

This website contains my CV and a portfolio of some of my favorite personal projects I’ve created using R, Python, and Javascript.