Day 17

Advent of Code: Worked Solutions


December 17, 2023


# Libraries

# Read input from file
input <- read_lines("../input/day17.txt", skip_empty_rows = TRUE)

Part 1

Convert text input to a set of 2D coordinates (stored as complex numbers) and their costs:

vtx <- input |> 
  enframe(name = "row") |> 
  mutate(value = str_split(value, "")) |> 
  unnest_longer(value, indices_to = "col") |> 
    id = row_number(),
    z = complex(real = col, imaginary = row),
    cost = as.integer(value)

z    <- pull(vtx, z)
cost <- pull(vtx, cost)

nmax <- length(z)

Define a set of helper functions needed for the pathfinding algorithm:

# Sort a list of lists by the value at the given/named index of the inner lists
nested_sort <- \(x, idx) x[order(sapply(x, '[[', idx))]
psort <- partial(nested_sort, idx = "priority")

# Compute the manhattan distance between any two vertices
manhattan_dist <- \(a, b) abs(Re(a - b)) + abs(Im(a - b))

# Pull a vertex's neighbors along the given axis (Re/Im) within a set dist range
neighbors <- function(vtx, axis = c("Re", "Im"), dmin, dmax) {
  rng <- c(-dmax:-dmin, dmin:dmax) 
  nbr <- vtx + (rng * complex(real = axis == "Re", imaginary = axis == "Im"))
  keep(nbr, ~ .x %in% z)

# Compute the cost of moving in a straight line between two vertices
move_cost <- function(source, target) {
  path_indices <- complex(
    real      = seq(Re(source), Re(target)),
    imaginary = seq(Im(source), Im(target))
  ) |> 
    discard(~ .x == source) |> 

A* pathfinding implementation (with much help from Reddit on use of complex numbers and storing the turns as part of the state):

a_star <- function(start, goal, h, dmin, dmax) {
  # Current set of discovered nodes awaitng further investigation
  frontier <- list(
    list(id = start, axis = 'Re', priority = 0),
    list(id = start, axis = 'Im', priority = 0)
  # For each vertex, the immediately preceeding vertex on its cheapest path
  came_from <- rep(list(lst(Re = NA, Im = NA)), nmax)
  # Tracks the current min cost to get from 'start' node to node n
  cost_so_far <- rep(list(lst(Re = Inf, Im = Inf)), nmax)
  cost_so_far[[start]]$Re <- 0
  cost_so_far[[start]]$Im <- 0
  while (length(frontier) > 0) {
    cur_id   <- frontier[[1]]$id
    cur_z    <- z[[cur_id]]
    cur_axis <- frontier[[1]]$axis
    nxt_axis <- case_match(cur_axis, 'Re' ~ 'Im', 'Im' ~ 'Re')
    frontier <- tail(frontier, -1)
    # Return info about best path to goal
    if (cur_id == goal) return(cost_so_far[[cur_id]][[cur_axis]])
    # If this path is better than the current record, then replace it
    for (nxt_z in neighbors(cur_z, cur_axis, dmin, dmax)) {
      nxt_id <- match(nxt_z, z)
      tentative_cost <- cost_so_far[[cur_id]][[cur_axis]] + move_cost(cur_z, nxt_z)
      if (tentative_cost < cost_so_far[[nxt_id]][[nxt_axis]]) {
        came_from[[nxt_id]][[nxt_axis]] <- cur_id
        cost_so_far[[nxt_id]][[nxt_axis]] <- tentative_cost
        frontier <- psort(c(frontier, list(list(
          id = nxt_id, 
          axis = nxt_axis, 
          priority = tentative_cost + h(nxt_z, z[[goal]])

Run on puzzle input:

a_star(1, nmax, h = manhattan_dist, dmin = 1, dmax = 3)
[1] 847

Part 2

Re-run on puzzle input with modified min/max distance values passed to the neighbors function:

a_star(1, nmax, h = manhattan_dist, dmin = 4, dmax = 10)
[1] 997