Day 18

Advent of Code: Worked Solutions


December 18, 2022


# Libraries

# Read input from file
input <- read_lines("../input/day18.txt", skip_empty_rows = TRUE) |> 
  unglue::unglue_data("{x},{y},{z}", convert = TRUE) |> 
  mutate(id = row_number(), .before = everything())

Part 1

Create a containing box for the set of cubes, padded by 1 voxel of air in each direction, and convert the full rectangular area into a graph:

xrange <- (min(input$x) - 1):(max(input$x) + 1)
yrange <- (min(input$y) - 1):(max(input$y) + 1)
zrange <- (min(input$z) - 1):(max(input$z) + 1)

# Fill out each coordinate of the containing box with air
container <- input |> 
  mutate(type = "cube") |> 
  complete(x = xrange, y = yrange, z = zrange, fill = list(type = "air")) |> 
  mutate(id = row_number())

# For each coordinate, create edges between adjacent coords of the same type
edges <- container |>
  arrange(x, y, z) |> 
    edge_x1 = case_when(type == lag(type)  ~ lag(id)),
    edge_x2 = case_when(type == lead(type) ~ lead(id)),
    .by = c(y, z)
  ) |> 
    edge_y1 = case_when(type == lag(type)  ~ lag(id)),
    edge_y2 = case_when(type == lead(type) ~ lead(id)),
    .by = c(x, z)
  ) |> 
    edge_z1 = case_when(type == lag(type)  ~ lag(id)),
    edge_z2 = case_when(type == lead(type) ~ lead(id)),
    .by = c(x, y)
  ) |> 
  mutate(across(starts_with("edge"), \(col) {
    case_when(! ~ map2(id, col, ~ c(.x, .y)))
  })) |> 
  select(starts_with("edge")) |> 
  pivot_longer(everything()) |> 
  pull(value) |> 

# Convert to a graph
g <- make_graph(edges = edges, n = max(container$id), directed = TRUE) |> 

Compute the surface area of the cubes. Start by giving every cube a surface area of 6, then subtract the cube’s vertex degree (which is the number of adjacent cubes):

# Get the vertex IDs of all cubes
cube_ids <- container |> 
  filter(type == "cube") |> 

# Compute the surface area of all cubes
g |> 
  degree() |> 
  keep_at(cube_ids) |> 
  map_dbl(~ 6 - .x) |> 
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Part 2

To compute the external surface area, we compute the total surface area of the outermost containing box of air, then subtract away its known rectangular external surface area.

# First vertex is external air padding, so we pull all vertices having its group
outside_ids <- which(components(g)$membership == components(g)$membership[1])

# Compute the surface area of the external air voxels using their vertex degree
total_sa <- g |> 
  degree() |> 
  keep_at(outside_ids) |> 
  map_dbl(~ 6 - .x) |> 

# Compute the outer surface of the bounding box
xlen <- max(xrange) - min(xrange) + 1
ylen <- max(yrange) - min(yrange) + 1
zlen <- max(zrange) - min(zrange) + 1
bounding_sa <- 2 * (xlen * ylen + xlen * zlen + ylen * zlen)

# Subtract the outer surface area from the total surface area of the air padding
total_sa - bounding_sa
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