Day 21

Advent of Code: Worked Solutions


December 21, 2023


# Libraries

# Read input from file
input <- read_lines("../input/day21.txt", skip_empty_rows = FALSE)

Part 1

Convert text input to a graph:

# Convert text input to grid coordinates
df <- input |> 
  str_split("") |> 
  enframe(name = "row") |> 
  unnest_longer(value, indices_to = "col") |> 
  mutate(id = row_number())

vertices <- pull(df, value)

# Compute edges for all cells to convert to a graph
neighbors <- df |>
    n = case_when(lag(value)  != '#' ~ lag(id)),
    s = case_when(lead(value) != '#' ~ lead(id)),
    .by = col
  ) |> 
    w = case_when(lag(value)  != '#' ~ lag(id)),
    e = case_when(lead(value) != '#' ~ lead(id)),
    .by = row
  ) |> 
  filter(value != '#') |> 
  select(id, n, s, w, e) |> 
    c(n, s, w, e),
    names_to = "dir", 
    values_to = "neighbor", 
    values_drop_na = TRUE
  ) |> 
  summarize(neighbors = list(neighbor), .by = id) |> 
  complete(id = 1:length(vertices)) |> 
  pull(neighbors) |> 

For 64 steps, loop through neighbors to find possible locations:

num_plots <- function(start, n_steps) {
  locs <- start
  for (i in 1:n_steps) {
    locs <- neighbors |> 
      keep_at(locs) |> 
      unlist() |> 

num_plots(match('S', vertices), 64)
[1] 3532

Part 2

Since there are no obstacles in the center row or column (where the starting position is), we can easily compute how quickly it takes to enter a given “box” (repeat of the map) and from which direction we enter.

First, we compute the number of steps it takes for a given box to enter a periodic cycle, depending on whether its starting location is from the center starting point, the middle of an edge, or a corner:

find_cycle <- function(start_vtx) {
  locs_prv <- NULL
  locs_cur <- start_vtx
  i <- 0

  repeat {
    locs_new <- neighbors |> 
      keep_at(locs_cur) |> 
      unlist() |> 
      unique() |> 
    if (identical(locs_prv, locs_new)) 
      return(i - 1)
    locs_prv <- locs_cur
    locs_cur <- locs_new
    i <- i + 1

w_max <- max(df$col)
w_mid <- ceiling(w_max / 2)

starting_points <- df |> 
  mutate(name = case_when(
    value == 'S' ~ 'center',
    col == w_mid & row == 1     ~ 'n',
    col == w_mid & row == w_max ~ 's',
    row == w_mid & col == 1     ~ 'w',
    row == w_mid & col == w_max ~ 'e',
    col == 1     & row == 1     ~ 'nw',
    col == w_max & row == 1     ~ 'ne',
    col == 1     & row == w_max ~ 'sw',
    col == w_max & row == w_max ~ 'se'
  )) |> 
  filter(! |> 
  select(name, id) |> 

# Determine when a cycle first occurs for the center, mid-edge, and corner pieces
cycles <- map(
    corner   = starting_points[["nw"]],
    mid_edge = starting_points[["n"]],
    center   = starting_points[["center"]]

Next, we split our total map into different box types. Boxes along the same horizontal/vertical lines as the initial starting point will always be entered from a mid-edge plot. All other boxes – those along the diagonal/off-diagonal – will be entered from the corner closest to the origin.

We can map the non-straight-line boxes as concentric rings indicating their Manhattan distance from the origin:


Note that in each quadrant, there’s 1 box 1 unit from the origin, 2 boxes 2 units away, 3 boxes 3 units away, etc. Meanwhile, for the straight-line boxes, there’s only one box along each axis of its distance from the origin.

Finally, we also have to take into account the fact that the periodic cycles alternate between odd and even steps. The number of plots in a box at a given step number depends on whether we entered that box on an even or an odd step. Below, all boxes entered on an odd step are labeled as A-type boxes, and those entered on an even step are B-type.

The number of plots in a cycling box are straightforward to compute. However, when a box is entered near the last of the steps and doesn’t have enough time to enter a cycle, we have to compute its current number of plots separately at the time the simulation ends.

We begin with the diagonal/off-diagonal boxes:

n <- 26501365

rings_reached     <- ceiling(n / w_max - 1)
rings_cycling     <- ceiling((n - cycles$corner) / w_max - 1)
rings_in_progress <- (rings_cycling + 1):rings_reached

# Compute the current value for the non-cycling diags
plots_in_progress <- starting_points |> 
  keep_at(c("nw", "ne", "sw", "se")) |> 
  map(\(init_idx) {
    rings_in_progress |> 
      # Compute the step when each ring was entered from its corner
      map_dbl(~ w_max * .x + 1) |> 
      # Compute how many steps into the cycle each box currently is
      map_dbl(~ n - .x) |> 
      map_dbl(~ num_plots(init_idx, .x))
  }) |> 
  map(~ .x * rings_in_progress) |> 

# Compute the current value for the cycling diags
cycling_a <- (1:rings_cycling) |> 
  keep(~ .x %% 2 == 0) |> 

cycling_b <- (1:rings_cycling) |> 
  keep(~ .x %% 2 == 1) |> 

cycle_steps_even <- cycles$corner + if_else(cycles$corner %% 2 == 0, 0, 1)
cycle_steps_odd  <- cycles$corner + if_else(cycles$corner %% 2 == 0, 1, 0)

plots_a <- cycling_a * num_plots(1, cycle_steps_even)
plots_b <- cycling_b * num_plots(1, cycle_steps_odd)

plots_cycling <- plots_a + plots_b

# Compute total value of all diagonal boxes
plots_diag <- 4 * plots_cycling + sum(plots_in_progress)

Now repeat for the straight-line boxes:

straights_reached     <- ceiling((n + w_mid) / w_max - 1)
straights_cycling     <- ceiling((n + w_mid - cycles$mid_edge) / w_max - 1)
straights_in_progress <- (straights_cycling + 1):straights_reached

# Compute the current value for the non-cycling straights
plots_in_progress <- starting_points |> 
  keep_at(c("n", "s", "w", "e")) |> 
  map_dbl(\(init_idx) {
    straights_in_progress |> 
      # Compute the step number when each box was entered from the edge
      map_dbl(~ w_max * .x - w_mid + 1) |> 
      # Compute how many steps into the cycle each box currently is
      map_dbl(~ n - .x) |> 
      map_dbl(~ num_plots(init_idx, .x)) |> 

# Compute the current value for the cycling straights
cycling_a <- (1:straights_cycling) |> 
  keep(~ .x %% 2 == 0) |> 

cycling_b <- (1:straights_cycling) |> 
  keep(~ .x %% 2 == 1) |> 

cycle_steps_even <- cycles$mid_edge + if_else(cycles$mid_edge %% 2 == 0, 0, 1)
cycle_steps_odd  <- cycles$mid_edge + if_else(cycles$mid_edge %% 2 == 0, 1, 0)

plots_a <- cycling_a * num_plots(w_mid, cycle_steps_even)
plots_b <- cycling_b * num_plots(w_mid, cycle_steps_odd)

plots_cycling  <- plots_a + plots_b

# Compute total value of all straight-line boxes
plots_straight <- 4 * plots_cycling + sum(plots_in_progress)

Finally, compute the value for the center box:

cycle_steps_odd <- if_else(cycles$center %% 2 == 0, 1, 0) + cycles$center
plots_center <- num_plots(match('S', vertices), cycle_steps_odd)

Sum to get the final result:

format(plots_center + plots_straight + plots_diag, scientific = FALSE)
[1] "590104708070703"