# Libraries
# Read input from file
<- read_lines("../input/day10.txt") |>
input enframe(name = "cmd_num")
Day 10
Advent of Code: Worked Solutions
Part 1
<- input |>
# Convert multi-cycle commands into list of changes to X at each cycle
separate(value, into = c("cmd", "V"), sep = " ", convert = TRUE) |>
transmute(cmd_num, v1 = 0, v2 = V) |>
c(v1, v2),
names_to = "cycle_count",
values_to = "x_change",
values_drop_na = TRUE
) pull(x_change) |>
# Iterate through changes to X to get value of X during each cycle
accumulate(`+`, .init = 1) |>
enframe(name = "cycle", value = "X") |>
slice_head(n = -1)
# Sum the signal strength at 20th cycle & every 40 cycles after that
signal filter(cycle %% 40 == 20) |>
mutate(signal_strength = cycle * X) |>
pull(signal_strength) |>
[1] 16020
Part 2
# Draw pixel when position of 3px-wide sprite overlaps w/ CRT position
signal mutate(
row = floor((cycle - 1) / 40),
col = (cycle - 1) %% 40
) mutate(pixel = if_else(X <= col + 1 & X >= col - 1, "#", ".")) |>
group_by(row) |>
summarize(val = str_c(pixel, collapse = "")) |>
pull(val) |>
cat(sep = "\n")