Day 21

Advent of Code: Worked Solutions


December 21, 2024


# Libraries

# Read input from file
input <- read_lines("../input/day21.txt")

Part 1

Define functions calculate minimum distances between keys on a keypad:

# Helper function to convert pairs of adjacent keys to their directions
keypad_to_df <- function(keys, rows, cols) {
  df <- tibble(key = keys, row = rows, col = cols)
  cross_join(df, df, suffix = c("_from", "_to")) |> 
    filter(abs(row_to - row_from) + abs(col_to - col_from) == 1) |> 
    mutate(dir = case_when(
      col_from < col_to ~ ">",
      col_from > col_to ~ "<",
      row_from < row_to ~ "^",
      row_from > row_to ~ "v"

# Convert a keypad (set of keys and their coordinates) to a graph
keypad_to_graph <- function(keys, rows, cols) {
  df <- keypad_to_df(keys, rows, cols)
  g <- df |> 
    transmute(from = key_from, to = key_to) |> 
    graph_from_data_frame(vertices = keys)
  f <- function(from, to) {
    df |> 
    filter(key_from == from & key_to == to) |> 
  list("df" = df, "g" = g, "f" = f)

# Return all shortests paths between two keys on a keypad
keypad_paths <- function(keypad, key_from, key_to) {
  all_shortest_paths(keypad$g, from = key_from, to = key_to)$vpaths |> 
    map_chr(\(x) {
      dirs <- map2_chr(
        head(names(x), -1), 
        head(lead(names(x)), -1), 
        \(dir_from, dir_to) keypad$f(dir_from, dir_to)
      str_c(c(dirs, "A"), collapse = "")

# Define the numeric keypad
keys_num <- c("A", 0:9)
rows_num <- case_match(keys_num,
  c("A", "0")      ~ 1,
  c("1", "2", "3") ~ 2,
  c("4", "5", "6") ~ 3,
  c("7", "8", "9") ~ 4
cols_num <- case_match(keys_num,
  c("1", "4", "7")      ~ 1,
  c("0", "2", "5", "8") ~ 2,
  c("A", "3", "6", "9") ~ 3
keypad_num <- keypad_to_graph(keys = keys_num, row = rows_num, col = cols_num)

# Define the directional keypad
keys_dir <- c("<", "v", ">", "^", "A")
rows_dir <- case_match(keys_dir,
  c("<", "v", ">") ~ 1,
  c("^", "A")      ~ 2
cols_dir <- case_match(keys_dir,
  c("<")      ~ 1,
  c("v", "^") ~ 2,
  c(">", "A") ~ 3
keypad_dir <- keypad_to_graph(keys = keys_dir, row = rows_dir, col = cols_dir)

# Recursively compute the minimum user input for a given input string
min_path <- function(input_str, level = 0, max_level = 3) {
  if (level == max_level)
  keypad <- if (level == 0) keypad_num else keypad_dir
  input_to <- str_split_1(input_str, "")
  input_from <- lag(input_to, default = "A")
  steps <- map2_int(
    \(from, to) keypad_paths(keypad, from, to) |> 
      map_int(min_path, level = level + 1, max_level = max_level) |> 

Run on puzzle input:

tibble(input) |> 
    numeric_code = parse_number(input),
    shortest_seq = map_int(input, min_path),
    complexity = numeric_code * shortest_seq
  ) |> 
  pull(complexity) |> 
[1] 157908

Part 2

Modify the min_path function to condense all inputs wherever possible so needless computation isn’t repeated:

min_path <- function(input_str, level = 0, max_level = 3) {
  if (level == max_level)
  keypad <- if (level == 0) keypad_num else keypad_dir
  df <- tibble(str = input_str) |> 
      id = row_number(),
      key = map(str, ~ tibble(
        input_to = str_split_1(.x, ""),
        input_from = lag(input_to, default = "A")
    ) |> 

  steps <- df |> 
    distinct(input_from, input_to) |> 
    mutate(paths = map2(input_from, input_to, ~ keypad_paths(keypad, .x, .y))) |> 
    unnest(paths) |> 
    mutate(len = min_path(paths, level = level + 1, max_level = max_level)) |> 
    slice_min(len, by = c(input_from, input_to), with_ties = FALSE)
  df |> 
    left_join(steps, join_by(input_from, input_to)) |> 
    summarize(steps = sum(len), .by = c(id, str)) |> 

Re-run puzzle input with a max level of 26:

tibble(input) |> 
    numeric_code = parse_number(input),
    shortest_seq = map_dbl(input, min_path, max_level = 26),
    complexity = numeric_code * shortest_seq
  ) |> 
  pull(complexity) |> 
  sum() |> 
  format(scientific = FALSE)
[1] "196910339808654"