# Libraries
# Read input from file
<- read_lines("../input/day18.txt", skip_empty_rows = TRUE) |>
input ::unglue_data("{dir} {meters} ({color})", convert = TRUE) unglue
Day 18
Advent of Code: Worked Solutions
Part 1
Convert the instruction input into list of corners that define the trench polygon:
<- input |>
trench mutate(
x = case_match(dir, c('U', 'D') ~ 0, 'L' ~ -1, 'R' ~ 1) * meters,
y = case_match(dir, c('L', 'R') ~ 0, 'D' ~ -1, 'U' ~ 1) * meters
) pmap(\(x, y, ...) c(x = x, y = y)) |>
accumulate(`+`, .init = c(x = 0, y = 0))
Convert the polygon’s boundary to a spatial object using SF:
<- trench |>
polygon reduce(rbind) |>
list() |>
st_polygon() |>
st_buffer(dist = 0.5, joinStyle = 'MITRE', mitreLimit = sqrt(2))
ggplot(polygon) +
geom_sf() +
Compute the polygon’s area:
[1] 53844
Part 2
Convert the hex codes to new trench instructions:
<- input |>
trench mutate(
meters = strtoi(str_sub(color, 2L, -2L), base = 16L),
dir = case_match(
str_sub(color, start = -1L),
'0' ~ 'R', '1' ~ 'D', '2' ~ 'L', '3' ~ 'U'
),x = case_match(dir, c('U', 'D') ~ 0, 'L' ~ -1, 'R' ~ 1) * meters,
y = case_match(dir, c('L', 'R') ~ 0, 'D' ~ -1, 'U' ~ 1) * meters
) pmap(\(x, y, ...) c(x = x, y = y)) |>
accumulate(`+`, .init = c(x = 0, y = 0))
Convert to a new polygon:
<- trench |>
polygon reduce(rbind) |>
list() |>
st_polygon() |>
st_buffer(dist = 0.5, joinStyle = 'MITRE', mitreLimit = sqrt(2))
ggplot(polygon) +
geom_sf() +
Compute the polygon’s area:
st_area(polygon) |>
format(scientific = FALSE)
[1] "42708339569950"