# Libraries
# Read input from file
<- read_lines("../input/day14.txt", skip_empty_rows = TRUE)
# Parameters: dimensions of the room
<- 101
room_w <- 103 room_h
Day 14
Advent of Code: Worked Solutions
Part 1
Extract numerical values from input text:
<- input |>
df unglue_data("p={x},{y} v={vx},{vy}") |>
across(everything(), parse_number),
robot_id = row_number(),
.before = everything()
For debugging: define a function to print the current state of the grid
<- function(df, w = room_w, h = room_h) {
print_grid |>
df summarize(n = as.character(n()), .by = c(x, y)) |>
x = 0:(room_w - 1),
y = 0:(room_h - 1),
fill = list(n = "")
) mutate(n = str_pad(n, width = max(str_length(n)), side = "left")) |>
arrange(desc(y), x) |>
group_split(y) |>
map_chr(~ pull(.x, n) |> str_c(collapse = " ")) |>
cat(sep = "\n")
Define a function which gives the location of the robots after n seconds. Multiply n by the velocity, add to the current position, and modulo the room dimensions.
<- function(df, seconds, w = room_w, h = room_h) {
pass_time |>
df mutate(
x = (x + vx * seconds) %% w,
y = (y + vy * seconds) %% h
) }
Define a function to get the current safety factor by counting the number of robots in each quadrant of the room:
<- function(df, w = room_w, h = room_h) {
get_safety_score <- (room_w - 1) / 2
mid_w <- (room_h - 1) / 2
df mutate(
half_w = case_when(x < mid_w ~ 0, x > mid_w ~ 1),
half_h = case_when(y < mid_h ~ 0, y > mid_h ~ 1),
quadrant = half_w + 2 * half_h
) drop_na(quadrant) |>
summarize(num_robots = n(), .by = quadrant) |>
pull(num_robots) |>
Compute safety score of puzzle input:
df pass_time(100) |>
[1] 208437768
Part 2
First, find the cycle of seconds where the robots’ positions repeat (no more than the least common multiple of the room width and room height)
<- DescTools::LCM(room_w, room_h) cycle
For each unique snapshot in the cycle, test for randomness vs structure in the X-Y coordinates.
<- map_dfr(
simulations 1:cycle,
\(seconds) {<- pass_time(df, seconds)
new c(secs = seconds, xvar = var(new$x), yvar = var(new$y))
simulations arrange(xvar, yvar, secs) |>
filter(row_number() == 1) |>
[1] 7492