# Libraries
# Read input from file
<- read_lines("../input/day23.txt", skip_empty_rows = FALSE) input
Day 23
Advent of Code: Worked Solutions
Part 1
Convert text input to a directed graph:
# Convert to a dataframe with IDs and coordinates per cell
<- input |>
df str_split("") |>
enframe(name = "row") |>
unnest_longer(value, indices_to = "col") |>
mutate(id = row_number()) |>
filter(value != '#') |>
relocate(id, value, row, col)
# Compute the list of directed edges between cells
<- df |>
edges mutate(
row_n = row - 1,
row_s = row + 1,
col_w = col - 1,
col_e = col + 1
) left_join(df, join_by(x$row_n == y$row, col), suffix = c("", "_n")) |>
left_join(df, join_by(x$row_s == y$row, col), suffix = c("", "_s")) |>
left_join(df, join_by(x$col_w == y$col, row), suffix = c("", "_w")) |>
left_join(df, join_by(x$col_e == y$col, row), suffix = c("", "_e")) |>
select(-starts_with(c("row", "col", "value_"))) |>
names_to = "dir",
values_to = "neighbor",
names_prefix = "id_"
# For slope tiles, remove any non-downhill neighbors
== "." & !is.na(neighbor)) |
(value == "^" & dir == "n") |
(value == "v" & dir == "s") |
(value == "<" & dir == "w") |
(value == ">" & dir == "e")
(value |>
) pmap(\(id, neighbor, ...) c(id, neighbor)) |>
# Convert to a graph
<- make_graph(edges) g
Find the longest possible path from the start point to the end point:
<- min(df$id)
source <- max(df$id)
<- function(g, from = source, to = target) {
max_hike all_simple_paths(g, from, to) |>
map_dbl(~ length(.x) - 1) |>
sort(decreasing = TRUE) |>
[1] 2074
Part 2
Convert to an undirected graph to remove the slope constraint:
<- as_undirected(g)
g V(g)$name <- V(g)
The graph is too large to simply run the hike length function again – an overflow results.
Instead, we notice that the input maze consists of relatively few intersections. Most of the maze input is simple corridors with no path decisions. We can reduce the graph complexity/size by trimming away our non-choice verftices and converting the length of those paths to an edge weight.
<- names(which(degree(g) == 0))
v_zero_edges <- names(which(degree(g) == 2))
v_two_edges <- names(which(degree(g) != 2))
# Extract all corridor vertices
<- delete_vertices(g, v_nontwo_edges)
g_corridors <- components(g_corridors)
# Determine which edges to add to replace the corridors and their weight
<- corridors$csize + 1
new_weights <- corridors$membership |>
new_edges keep_at(names(which(degree(g_corridors) == 1))) |>
enframe(name = "vtx", value = "group") |>
mutate(vtx = map_chr(vtx, ~ setdiff(names(neighbors(g, .x)), v_two_edges))) |>
summarize(edge = list(vtx), .by = group) |>
arrange(group) |>
# Create a new graph without the corridor vertices, then add its new edges
<- reduce2(
g_new .x = new_edges,
.y = new_weights,
.f = \(g, e, w) add_edges(g, e, weight = w),
.init = delete_vertices(g, c(v_zero_edges, v_two_edges))
View a plot of the resulting simplified graph:
<- g_new |>
vtx_labels V() |>
names() |>
as.character(source) ~ "S",
as.character(target) ~ "E",
.default = ""
g_new, vertex.size = 8,
vertex.label = vtx_labels,
edge.label = E(g_new)$weight
Compute all paths from the start to the end using our smaller graph:
<- g_new |>
all_paths all_simple_paths(as.character(source), as.character(target))
Using the edge weights of our graph, compute the total length of each path and select the longest:
all_paths map(
~ .x |>
as_ids() |>
rep(each = 2) |>
head(-1) |>
tail(-1) |>
get_edge_ids(graph = g_new)
) map(~ E(g_new)$weight[.x]) |>
map_dbl(sum) |>
[1] 6494