Day 14

Advent of Code: Worked Solutions


December 14, 2022


# Libraries

# Read input from text
input <- read_lines("../input/day14.txt")

Part 1

Convert input from rows of text lines to a list of obstacle coordinates:

# Extract numeric values from the input text
df <- input |> 
  str_split(" -> ") |> 
  imap_dfr(\(input, idx) tibble(idx, input)) |> 
  unglue_unnest(input, "{x},{y}", convert = TRUE)

# Expand the endpoints into a list of coordinates of every obstacle
obstacles <- df |> 
    seq_x = map2(x, lead(x), ~ if (! & ! .x:.y),
    seq_y = map2(y, lead(y), ~ if (! & ! .x:.y),
    .by = idx
  ) |> 
  unnest(c(seq_x, seq_y)) |> 
  distinct(x = seq_x, y = seq_y) |> 
  mutate(chr = '#')

Define a function to recursively drop a grain of sand until it comes to rest:

drop_grain <- function(scan, x_cur, y_cur) {
  y_new <- y_cur + 1
  # Check if new y-coordinate is out of bounds
  if (y_new > max(scan$y))
  for (x_new in c(x_cur, x_cur - 1, x_cur + 1)) {
    # Check if next x-coordinate is out of bounds
    if (!between(x_new, min(scan$x), max(scan$x)))
    # If grain can flow into the next spot, recurse into next spot
    else if (nrow(filter(scan, x == x_new, y == y_new)) == 0)
      return(drop_grain(scan, x_new, y_new))

  # If grain has nowhere to go, drop the grain in its current place and exit
  return(add_row(scan, x = x_cur, y = y_cur, chr = "o"))

Define a function that fills the map with sand one grain at a time, starting from the designated point, until all sand comes to rest:

fill_sand <- function(scan, grain_func) {
  repeat {
    scan_new <- grain_func(scan)
    # If the scan is unchanged after dropping the grain, the sand is at rest. 
    if (nrow(scan_new) == nrow(scan)) break
    scan <- scan_new

count_grains <- function(scan) {
  scan |> 
    filter(chr == "o") |> 

Count the grains using the puzzle input:

obstacles |> 
  fill_sand(grain_func = partial(drop_grain, x_cur = 500, y_cur = 0)) |> 
[1] 862

Part 2

Re-define the drop_grain function to allow for the boundless floor:

drop_grain <- function(scan, x_cur, y_cur, floor) {
  y_new <- y_cur + 1
  # Check if current location already has a grain of sand (entry blocked)
  if (nrow(filter(scan, x == x_cur, y == y_cur)) > 0)
  # Check if the current sand grain is sitting on top of the floor
  if (y_new == floor)
    return(add_row(scan, x = x_cur, y = y_cur, chr = "o"))
  # If grain can flow into the next spot, recurse into next spot
  for (x_new in c(x_cur, x_cur - 1, x_cur + 1)) {
    if (nrow(filter(scan, x == x_new, y == y_new)) == 0)
      return(drop_grain(scan, x_new, y_new, floor))

  # If grain has nowhere to go, drop the grain in its current place and exit
  return(add_row(scan, x = x_cur, y = y_cur, chr = "o"))

Count the grains using the puzzle input:

obstacles |> 
    grain_func = partial(
      x_cur = 500, 
      y_cur = 0, 
      floor = max(obstacles$y) + 2
  ) |> 
[1] 28744