# Libraries
# Read input from text and extract numeric values into a data frame
<- read_lines("../input/day15.txt") |>
input unglue_data(
"Sensor at x={s_x}, y={s_y}: closest beacon is at x={b_x}, y={b_y}",
convert = TRUE
Day 15
Advent of Code: Worked Solutions
Part 1
Convert input into a list of beacons, sensors, and total detection distances:
<- input |>
sensors distinct(
s_y, max_dist = abs(b_x - s_x) + abs(b_y - s_y)
<- input |>
beacons distinct(x = b_x, y = b_y)
Generate a set of polygons that defines the regions detectible by each sensor:
# Convert each sensor's detection distance into a region defined by a polygon
<- sensors |>
poly mutate(
polygon = pmap(list(s_x, s_y, max_dist), function(x, y, dist) {
c(x - dist, y),
c(x, y - dist),
c(x + dist, y),
c(x, y + dist),
c(x - dist, y)
) list() |>
}),geometry = st_sfc(polygon)
) transmute(idx = row_number(), geometry) |>
# Merge all polygons into a single geometric shape
<- st_union(poly) poly_union
# Overlapping regions
ggplot() +
geom_sf(data = poly, aes(fill = factor(idx))) +
scale_fill_viridis_d(guide = "none")
# Merged region
ggplot() +
geom_sf(data = poly_union)
Define a set of functions to count the number of integer points that cannot have a beacon within the detection region
# Convert a set of x/y boundaries to a spatial rectangle object
<- function(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) {
poly_rect rbind(
c(xmin, ymax),
c(xmin, ymin),
c(xmax, ymin),
c(xmax, ymax),
c(xmin, ymax)
) list() |>
st_polygon() |>
# Get the coordinates within a poly, optionally limited within x/y bounds
<- function(poly, xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL) {
# Define a rectangular region within which to generate grid points
<- poly_rect(
points_region xmin = (if (is_null(xlim)) st_bbox(poly)$xmin else head(xlim, 1)) - 0.5,
xmax = (if (is_null(xlim)) st_bbox(poly)$xmax else tail(xlim, 1)) + 0.5,
ymin = (if (is_null(ylim)) st_bbox(poly)$ymin else head(ylim, 1)) - 0.5,
ymax = (if (is_null(ylim)) st_bbox(poly)$ymax else tail(ylim, 1)) + 0.5
# Generate the grid points that sit within the polygon
points_region st_make_grid(cellsize = 1, what = "centers") |>
st_intersection(poly) |>
# Convert the set of points from spatial objects to x-y coordinates
st_coordinates() |>
as_tibble() |>
mutate(across(everything(), as.integer)) |>
# Count the points in a sf region (with optional x/y lims) that can't be a beacon
<- function(detection_region, known_beacons, x = NULL, y = NULL) {
# Get the set of integer points within the polygon and x-y region specified
detection_region sf_points_in_poly(xlim = x, ylim = y) |>
# Remove known beacons from the list of points and count
anti_join(known_beacons, join_by(x, y)) |>
Run puzzle input:
count_nonbeacon(poly_union, beacons, y = 2000000)
[1] 5367037
Part 2
Define a function to get the location of an undetected beacon within a viewport:
<- function(detection_region, xlim, ylim) {
find_undetected_beacon <- poly_rect(xlim[1], xlim[2], ylim[1], ylim[2])
# Find the polygon region where an undetected beacon could occur
<- st_difference(boundary, detection_region)
# Get all integer points in the region
<- sf_points_in_poly(undetected_region)
# Compute the region's boundary points to exclude
<- undetected_region |>
undetected_region_boundary st_bbox() |>
as.list() |>
pmap(\(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) poly_rect(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)) |>
pluck(1) |>
st_difference(undetected_region) |>
# Exclude all boundary points from the region
anti_join(points, undetected_region_boundary, join_by(x, y))
<- function(x, y) format(4000000 * x + y, scientific = FALSE) tuning_freq
Run on puzzle input:
<- find_undetected_beacon(poly_union, c(0, 4000000), c(0, 4000000))
tuning_freq(point$x, point$y)
[1] "11914583249288"