Day 12

Advent of Code: Worked Solutions


December 12, 2023


# Libraries

# Read input from file
input <- read_lines("../input/day12.txt", skip_empty_rows = TRUE)

Part 1

Convert text input to a dataframe. Identifiy the indices of each unknown value per row, and convert the numeric input into a regex pattern to test if a given spring arrangement is possible:

df <- input |> 
  unglue_data("{chr} {num}") |> 
    regex_pattern = str_c(
      str_replace_all(num, ",", "}\\.+#{"),
    u_idx = map(chr, ~ which(str_split_1(.x, "") == "?")),
    num = map(num, ~ as.integer(str_split_1(.x, ","))),
    total_broken = map_int(num, sum),
    cur_broken = str_count(chr, "#"),
    num_b = total_broken - cur_broken

Define a function to compute the total number of possible arrangements of broken springs for a given row using regex:

idx_permutations <- function(u_idx, num_b) {
  if (num_b == 0) {
    list(list(B = numeric(0), O = u_idx))
  } else {
    permutations <- combn(length(u_idx), num_b)
      ~ list(
        B = u_idx[permutations[,.x]],
        O = u_idx[-permutations[,.x]]

num_arragements <- function(input, regex_pattern, u_idx, num_b) {
  perms <- idx_permutations(u_idx, num_b)
  vec   <- str_split_1(input, "")
  perms |> 
    map_chr(\(perm) {
      vec |> 
        replace(perm$O, ".") |> 
        replace(perm$B, "#") |> 
        str_c(collapse = "")
    }) |> 
    str_detect(regex_pattern) |> 

Run on puzzle input:

df |> 
  pmap_int(\(chr, regex_pattern, u_idx, num_b, ...) {
    num_arragements(chr, regex_pattern, u_idx, num_b)
  }) |> 
[1] 7674

Part 2

With hints from Reddit, re-define the arrangement-counting function using memoization and recursion to examine at each character:

count_arr <- memoise::memoise(function(str, grps, grp_count) {

  # Check for contradictions and/or the end of the input
  if (length(grps) == 0)
    return(if_else(grp_count == 0 & str_detect(str, "^(\\.|\\?)*$"), 1, 0))
  else if (str == "")
  else if (grp_count > grps[1]) 

  # Initialize the total number of arrangements to 0 and get the current char
  total_arr <- 0
  cur_chr   <- str_sub(str, 1, 1)
  # If the char is unknown, examine both of the two possible states
  if (cur_chr == "?")
    cur_chr <- c(".", "#")
  for (chr in cur_chr) {
    # If '#', recurse within the current group
    if (chr == "#")
      total_arr <- total_arr + count_arr(str_sub(str, 2), grps, grp_count + 1)
    # If '.', close the current group (if one is active) & recurse
    else if (chr == ".") {
      if (grp_count == 0)
        total_arr <- total_arr + count_arr(str_sub(str, 2), grps, grp_count)
      else if (grp_count == grps[1])
        total_arr <- total_arr + count_arr(str_sub(str, 2), tail(grps, -1), 0)

Run on puzzle input:

df |> 
  pmap_dbl(\(chr, num, ...) {
    count_arr(str_c(str_c(rep(chr, 5), collapse = "?"), "."), rep(num, 5), 0)
  }) |> 
  sum() |> 
  format(scientific = FALSE)
[1] "4443895258186"