# Libraries
# Read input from file
<- read_lines("../input/day24.txt", skip_empty_rows = FALSE) input
Day 24
Advent of Code: Worked Solutions
Part 1
Convert text input to structured data:
<- 200000000000000
bound_min <- 400000000000000
<- input |>
df unglue_data("{px}, {py}, {pz} @ {vx}, {vy}, {vz}", convert = TRUE) |>
mutate(id = row_number(), .before = everything())
<- df |>
vecs_2d transmute(
id,p = pmap(lst(px, py), ~ matrix(c(..1, ..2), ncol = 1)),
v = pmap(lst(vx, vy), ~ matrix(c(..1, ..2), ncol = 1))
<- df |>
vecs_3d transmute(
id,p = pmap(lst(px, py, pz), ~ matrix(c(..1, ..2, ..3), ncol = 1)),
v = pmap(lst(vx, vy, vz), ~ matrix(c(..1, ..2, ..3), ncol = 1))
The position \(\vec a\) of a hailstone at any given time \(t\) can be written in the format:
\[\vec vt + \vec p\]
The intersection of the paths of any two given hailstones is therefore the point \(\vec a\) where:
\[ \vec a = \vec v_1t_1 + \vec p_1 = \vec v_2t_2 = \vec p_2 \]
This can be re-written as the system of equations:
\[ \begin{bmatrix}\vec v_1 &-\vec v_2\end{bmatrix}\begin{bmatrix}t_1\\t_2\end{bmatrix} = \vec p_2 - \vec p_1 \]
Solving this system of equations for each pair of hailstones will give us the values of \(t_1\) and \(t_2\) that can then be used to compute the coordinates of their intersection, \(\vec a\).
# Combine all hailstones' paths pairwise and solve the system of equations
<- inner_join(
vecs_2d, join_by(x$id < y$id),
suffix = c("1", "2")
) mutate(
A = map2(v1, v2, ~ cbind(..1, -..2)),
b = map2(p1, p2, ~ ..2 - ..1),
det = map_dbl(A, det),
t = pmap(lst(A, b, det), \(A, b, det) if (det != 0) as.vector(solve(A, b)))
) unnest_wider(t, names_sep = "") |>
# Check if each path cross is within the bounding box and forward in time
intersection = pmap(lst(t1, v1, p1), ~ ..1 * ..2 + ..3),
in_bounds = map_lgl(intersection, ~ all(between(.x, bound_min, bound_max))),
future_time = t1 >= 0 & t2 >= 0,
flag = replace_na(in_bounds & future_time, FALSE)
# Count the number of future-crossing paths:
pairs pull(flag) |>
[1] 24627
Part 2
Now our equation has changed. For each hailstone \(i\), and for our initial position \(\vec p_*\) and velocity \(\vec v_*\), we have the following relationship, where \(t_i\) is the nonzero collision time of our rock and the given hailstone:
\[ (\vec v_* - \vec v_i)t_i = \vec p_* - \vec p_i \]
Since \(t_i\) is a scalar for each \(i\), then \(\vec v_i - \vec v_*\) and \(\vec p_i - \vec p_*\) are scalar multiples of each other. Thanks to a hint from Reddit user u/evouga, as these vectors are parallel, their cross product is zero, meaning that for all \(i\):
\[ (\vec p_* - \vec p_i) \times (\vec v_* - \vec v_i) = 0 \]
Expanding this equation by the distributive property of the vector cross product, we get:
\[ (\vec p_* \times \vec v_*) - (\vec p_* \times \vec v_i) - (\vec p_i \times \vec v_*) + (\vec p_i \times \vec v_i) = 0 \]
Via properties of the cross product, we can then represent this as:
\[ (\vec p_* \times \vec v_*) - [\vec v_i]_\times^\intercal \vec p_* - [\vec p_i]_\times \vec v_* + (\vec p_i \times \vec v_i) = 0 \]
where \([\vec a]_\times\) is defined as:
\[ [\vec a]_\times = \begin{bmatrix}0 & -a_3 & a_2 \\ a_3 & 0 & -a_1 \\ -a_2 & a_1 & 0\end{bmatrix} \]
We can now (nearly) re-write this as a system of linear equations:
\[ A_i\vec x = \vec b_i + (\vec p_* \times \vec v_*) \]
\[ A_i = \begin{bmatrix}[\vec v_i]_\times^\intercal & [\vec p_i]_\times\end{bmatrix}, \quad \vec x = \begin{bmatrix}\vec p_* \\ \vec v_*\end{bmatrix}, \quad b_i = (\vec p_i \times \vec v_i) \]
Since this equation holds for all \(i\), we can remove the needless term \((\vec p_* \times \vec v_*)\) and solve for \(\vec x\) by subtracting two of these linear systems of equations from each other (using \(i = 1,2\) as below, or any other two values of \(i\) whose vectors from part 1 are not parallel):
\[ (A_1 - A_2)\vec x = \vec b_1 - \vec b_2 \]
Finally, since we’ve arrived at a system of 3 equations and 6 unknowns, we append \(A\) and \(\vec b\) with an additional pair of equations (using \(i = 2,3\), for example) to solve for a final unique result:
\[ \begin{bmatrix}A_1 - A_2\\A_2 - A_3\end{bmatrix}\vec x = \begin{bmatrix}\vec b_1 - \vec b_2\\ \vec b_2 - \vec b_3\end{bmatrix} \]
# Define a function to compute the skeq symmetric matrix [a]_x
<- function(x) {
skewsym matrix(c(0, x[[3]], -x[[2]], -x[[3]], 0, x[[1]], x[[2]], -x[[1]], 0), ncol = 3)
# For the first three vectors in our list, compute their A and b values
<- vecs_3d |>
lineqs slice_head(n = 3) |>
A = map2(p, v, \(p, v) cbind(t(skewsym(v)), skewsym(p))),
b = map2(p, v, \(p, v) pracma::cross(p, v))
# Combine the 3 linear equations into a single system & solve
<- rbind(lineqs$A[[1]] - lineqs$A[[2]], lineqs$A[[2]] - lineqs$A[[3]])
A <- rbind(lineqs$b[[1]] - lineqs$b[[2]], lineqs$b[[2]] - lineqs$b[[3]])
b <- solve(A, b) x
Finally, add together the three px, py, and pz coordinates for the initial position:
sum(x[1:3]) |>
format(scientific = FALSE)
[1] "527310134398221"